We help a diverse group of learners to discover new skills, passions and talents so they can achieve the qualifications they need to fulfil their future ambitions.

We deliver lectures, tutorials and demonstrations in a variety of settings such as colleges, community centres and employer organisations, with a common goal of inspiring learners to believe in themselves and their ability to succeed.

The level of support and guidance we provide is always determined by the individual needs of learners and their career goals. We monitor progress and provide feedback on tests and coursework. We are often role models and mentors - and are always there to help learners make the decisions that are right for them.

Our love of our subject means we are committed to maintaining and updating our subject knowledge, as well as how best to teach and assess it. We are lifelong learners and use evidence and research to continually improve our practice.

We are passionate and dedicated to what we do, striving to help learners fulfil their potential, enjoy their studies and achieve the best possible results.


These may include

  • Industry e.g. skilled trades person, hospitality sector, IT specialist, sports coach, public services
  • Graduates with relevant degree, possibly a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) or other teaching qualifications
  • School teachers transferring to FE
  • Lecturing roles in other colleges or universities
  • FE staff who have started in support roles then undertake teacher training


To qualify as a further education lecturer, it is usually necessary to hold at least a level 3 qualification in the chosen subject area. Many FE lecturers have also obtained degrees, foundation degrees or professional qualifications. Although not compulsory to be appointed to the role, FE lecturers are required to complete a PGCE in post compulsory education and training (PCET), which is a professional teacher education programme providing a qualification in the post compulsory education and training sector within two years (full-time) or four years (part-time).

Search for qualification providers here

Please note that as of 10 May 2024 a number of changes came into effect for those working as FE teachers and adult learning practitioners in Wales. Further information can be found here.

  • the ability to motivate and inspire learners
  • strong communication skills
  • the capacity to collaborate with people at different levels
  • effective organisation and planning skills
  • strong listening and observation skills
  • confidence when presenting to groups of learners
  • ability to use evidence and research to improve practice in teaching and assessment
  • commitment to maintaining and updating knowledge of subject area(s)
  • versatility -  potentially including the capacity to teach more than one subject area
  • confident and competent in the use of ICT, including digital technologies to support teaching and learning
  • Welsh language skills - required levels will vary depending on the position but a commitment to the Welsh language (even if you are only developing your skills as a beginner) is expected across all roles
  • commitment to safeguarding learners and young people
  • commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.


Search for jobs here


These may include:

  • Senior / Expert lecturer
  • Head of department
  • Programme co-ordinator
  • Managerial roles