Mynydd Haf School

Mynydd Haf School
Secondary School
  • Mynydd Haf School
  • Mynydd Haf Independent School
  • Caerphilly
  • Caerphilly
  • CF83 8BY
About us
Mynydd Haf School provides high quality learning experiences within a small, focused nurturing environment to secondary school aged children who have an IDP/ALN Statement and have ADHD and/or express behaviours that are challenging or inappropriate in a community setting. Class sizes are small. The staff to student ratio is usually 2:4 in all classes.

What we are most proud of... Pupils, Staff, Visitors, LEAs, Estyn, professional partners, parents, carers... everyone comments positively on our close school community where we care about each other and support all pupils to keep themselves and their friends / peers safe.