• Location: Aberystwyth,
  • Hours: Part time
  • Contract: Permanent
  • Salary Type: Annual
  • Language: Welsh

This job application date has now expired.

Clerk to the Governing Body - Penweddig Comprehensive School

Ceredigion County Council
About the role
The following is an advert for a position where the ability to converse through the medium of English and Welsh is essential.

Yn eisiau mor fuan â phosibl, person brwdfrydig ac egnïol sy'n meddu ar sgiliau rhyngbersonol dda i ymgymryd â'r swydd uchod.

Mae'r gallu i gyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon.

Pecyn Gwybodaeth

Gellir cael mwy o wybodaeth am y swydd drwy gysylltu â'r ysgol (Ffôn: (01970) 639499 e-bost:

Noder: Cedwir yr hawl i ymestyn y dyddiad cau.

Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu ac amddiffyn plant ac oedolion sydd mewn perygl Fel rhan o'r ymrwymiad hwn, mae rhai rolau o fewn ein sefydliad yn gofyn am wiriad y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (DBS) i asesu addasrwydd ymgeiswyr. Bydd y rôl hon yn gofyn am wiriad DBS Uwch. Sylwch na fydd presenoldeb euogfarnau blaenorol o reidrwydd yn anghymhwyso ymgeisydd rhag ystyriaeth ar gyfer y swydd hon. Rydym yn asesu pob ymgeisydd fesul achos, ac yn ystyried natur a pherthnasedd unrhyw euogfarnau mewn perthynas â chyfrifoldebau'r rôl. Ein nod yw creu amgylchedd gwaith cynhwysol a chefnogol lle caiff pob unigolyn ei drin yn deg a chyda pharch. Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon neu gwestiynau am y broses hon, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni am eglurhad. Mae eich preifatrwydd a'ch urddas yn hollbwysig i ni drwy gydol y broses recriwtio

What we offer

Work-life balance

Lifestyle savings scheme

Generous employer pension scheme

Cycle to work scheme

Learning and development

Where you'll work

Schools and Culture
We offer appropriate challenge and support to our schools, to help them deliver first class education to all pupils, across the age and ability range. Our primary functions are as follows:
  • School Improvement: Leadership; Support and Challenge, Teaching and Learning; Digital Literacy; Literacy and Numeracy; Welsh in Education
  • Additional Learning Needs: Provision for pupils with Additional Learning Needs, Inclusion; Attendance; Educational Psychology
  • Pupil Wellbeing:Counselling; Welfare; Anti-Bullying, Pupil Voice
  • Education Governance: Data ; Governor Support, Policy support
  • School Admissions
  • Culture: Music Service; Cered; Felinfach Theatre; Museum
  • Infrastructure and Resources: Planning School Places; Modernisation and Twenty First Century Schools Programme; Buildings; Grants
  • Catering: Day Centres; Primary Schools; Residential homes.
  • Childcare Unit: Childcare Sufficiency Assessment; Childcare & Play Grant; Childcare Offer; Out of School (After School Clubs and Holiday Playschemes); Day Nursery, Cylch/Playgroup & Childminder business support and staff training
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