• Hours: Part time
  • Contract: Temporary
  • Salary Type: Annual
  • Salary: Grade 4 Point 5 to Point 6 £24,790 to £25,183 per annum pro rata £12.84 to £13.05 per hour
  • Language: Welsh
  • Closing Date: 17 February, 2025 12:00 AM

This job application date has now expired.

Pre-School Setting Assistant (Ysgol Dôlafon)

Powys County Council

Salary: Grade 4 Point 5 to Point 6 £24,790 to £25,183 per annum pro rata £12.84 to £13.05 per hour

Pre-School Setting Assistant (Ysgol Dôlafon)
Job description
Assists setting leader in the planning, review and delivery of good quality play based experiences / the Foundation Phase curriculum and with pupil care, health, safety, welfare, emotional and behaviour support. Contributes to providing a warm and welcoming environment within the setting where children and carers can feel valued and obtain positive help and support for a range of activities.
The post receives direction from and is accountable to the Setting Leader or 'responsible individual' or other senior member of staff.
Your responsibilities will be:
1. Responsibility for others: The post has some impact on the well-being of individuals or groups (i.e. physical, mental, social, health and safety).
2. Responsibility for staff: The post has limited (or no) direct responsibility for supervising other staff though may be expected to demonstrate tasks or advise/guide new employees, work experience or trainees.
3. Responsibility for financial resources: The post has limited (or no) direct responsibility for financial resources other than occasional handling small amounts of cash, processing cheques, invoices etc.
4. Responsibility for physical resources: The post has limited (or no) direct responsibility for physical resources, other than the handling and careful use of equipment (e.g. computer / PC) and setting up of resources as directed by setting leader.
5. Curriculum support:
• Support children's learning as directed, in line with the principles of good practice and as defined by the Foundation Phase Framework, to foster independence and self-esteem
• Model good use of language to support all areas of learning
• Discuss and interact with children using appropriate language
• Encourage early thinking skills & involve children in their own learning
6. Support for children:
• Provide children with support as directed by setting leader - could include reading a story or helping with physical difficulties whilst encouraging independence (e.g. with personal cleanliness, putting on shoes etc).
• Identify and report uncharacteristic behaviour patterns in children and report these to the setting leader
• Support children in accessing the Foundation Phase curriculum through interaction using appropriate language (including other forms of communication) and with younger children, extend play-based learning in both the indoor and outdoor classroom
• Assist with the supervision of children, for example as they arrive/leave
• Provide comfort as appropriate and arrange immediate care for minor accidents, upsets and ailments and report serious problems and perceived instances of danger or risk to health to the setting leader
7. Support to setting leader:
• Assist in day-to-day management of the learning environment, e.g. preparing/clearing learning resources; reporting damaged/faulty items to the setting leader; contributing to creating displays of children's work and assisting in
setting up and maintaining areas of continuous provision etc.
• Contribute to record-keeping - e.g. provide relevant verbal information to contribute to the planning, observation, evaluation and identifying the next step in the children's learning.
• Provide feedback to the setting leader about the learning activities, responses to them and the supported provided
• Assist in the management of children's behaviour
• Undertake routine administrative tasks
• Sort and tidy cupboards
• Clearing up

This position has a requirement for an Enhanced DBS Check