• Location: St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School,
  • Hours: Not Specified
  • Contract: Not Specified
  • Salary Type: Not Supplied
  • Salary: Leadership Scale L7 – L11 £58,844 - £64,933 per annum
  • Language: Welsh
  • Closing Date: 12 March, 2025 12:00 AM

This job application date has now expired.

Permanent Deputy Headteacher – St Mary's Catholic Primary

Bridgend County Borough Council

Salary: Leadership Scale L7 – L11 £58,844 - £64,933 per annum

Permanent Deputy Headteacher - St Mary's Catholic Primary
Job description
32.5 hours per week

The governors of our successful and progressive Catholic school are seeking to appoint an inspirational, high quality practitioner with excellent management and interpersonal skills as its new Deputy Headteacher.

There are many elements of strong practice in place at St Mary’s, as identified in a recent ESTYN inspection. As a Pioneer School during the development of Curriculum for Wales, St Mary’s has designed and implemented a broad, bespoke and engaging curriculum for its learners.

At St Mary’s, we can offer you:

A strong and supportive Catholic ethos, which pervades the life of the school.

Professional development that is rooted in contemporary educational research.

A determination to further develop a curriculum that produces ambitious, capable learners with a broad range and depth of knowledge and skills.

Children who are curious about the world in which they live and who demonstrate a love of learning.

A highly committed team of governors and staff who are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.

We are searching for a Deputy Headteacher who:

Is a practising Catholic who exhibits a clear understanding about the purpose of Catholic education and will lead and model our Catholic ethos and values within school and throughout the wider community.

Is proven as an excellent Catholic teacher, with high standards and a determination to facilitate rapid rates of progress in all pupils.

Is committed to school improvement and has the necessary skills to motivate and drive initiatives.

Is skilled at mentoring and supporting colleagues in the journey towards excellence.

Fosters strong partnerships with pupils, staff, parents, governors and the local community to provide an environment where all are supported to achieve their full potential.

Has a good sense of humour, a positive, sunny disposition and the enthusiasm to support the Headteacher and Governors in leading and managing the school.

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed. Please contact Mrs Large in the school office to arrange an appointment.

Prospective candidates can access further information on the school’s website:

Completed application forms (CES forms) can be found at:

Please submit applications electronically ( by Wednesday 12th March at 12pm.

The ability to greet customers through the medium of Welsh is a requirement for this post.

Protecting children, young people or adults at risk is a core responsibility of all council employees.

An Enhanced with Childrens Barred list criminal records check by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) is a requirement for this post.

Closing Date: 12 March 2025

Shortlisting Date: 20 March 2025

Lesson observations: Week beginning 24th March

Interview Date: 31 March 2025

Benefits to working at Bridgend County Borough Council

Job Description & Person Specification