• Location: Plascrug Primary School, Aberystwyth,
  • Subject: Teacher
  • Hours: Part time
  • Contract: Temporary
  • Salary Type: Annual
  • Language: Welsh

This job application date has now expired.

Teacher - Plascrug Primary School

Ceredigion County Council
About the role
The following is an advert where the ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh and English is essential.

Rydym yn edrych am athro /athrawes ragorol i addysgu ym mlwyddyn 4.

Gwahoddir ceisiadau oddi wrth athrawon blaengar a brwdfrydig sydd a dealltwriaeth a phrofiad addas. Yn ogystal, mae'r parodrwydd i gyfrannu tuag at weithgareddau allgyrsiol yn ddymunol.

Yn Ysgol Plascrug cewch gyfle i weithio gyda phlant ymroddgar, cymuned gefnogol a chriw o staff cydwybodol sydd yn rhoi blaenoriaeth clir ar les disgyblion a chynnal safonau uchel.

Am ragor o wybodaeth neu sgwrs anffurfiol, cysylltwch รข'r Pennaeth Mr Berian Lewis ar 01970 612286.

Mae'r gallu i gyfathrebu yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg yn hanfodol i'r swydd hon.

Noder: Cedwir yr hawl i ymestyn y dyddiad cau.

Mae diogelu ac amddiffyn plant a phobl ifanc yn flaenoriaethau allweddol i ni. Ein nod yw cefnogi plant, pobl ifanc a'r rhai sydd mewn perygl i sicrhau eu bod mor ddiogel ag y gallant fod. Rydym yn cydnabod bod gan blant, pobl ifanc a'r rhai sydd mewn perygl hawl i gael eu a byddwn yn cymryd camau i ddiogelu'u lles. Disgwylir i bob aelod o staff a gwirfoddolwr rannu'r ymrwymiad hwn, a bydd angen Gwiriad Gwell gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (DBS), CRB gynt.

What we offer

Work-life balance

Lifestyle savings scheme

Generous employer pension scheme

Cycle to work scheme

Learning and development

Where you'll work

Schools and Culture
We offer appropriate challenge and support to our schools, to help them deliver first class education to all pupils, across the age and ability range. Our primary functions are as follows:
  • School Improvement: Leadership; Support and Challenge, Teaching and Learning; Digital Literacy; Literacy and Numeracy; Welsh in Education
  • Additional Learning Needs: Provision for pupils with Additional Learning Needs, Inclusion; Attendance; Educational Psychology
  • Pupil Wellbeing:Counselling; Welfare; Anti-Bullying, Pupil Voice
  • Education Governance: Data ; Governor Support, Policy support
  • School Admissions
  • Culture: Music Service; Cered; Felinfach Theatre; Museum
  • Infrastructure and Resources: Planning School Places; Modernisation and Twenty First Century Schools Programme; Buildings; Grants
  • Catering: Day Centres; Primary Schools; Residential homes.
  • Childcare Unit: Childcare Sufficiency Assessment; Childcare & Play Grant; Childcare Offer; Out of School (After School Clubs and Holiday Playschemes); Day Nursery, Cylch/Playgroup & Childminder business support and staff training
Plascrug Primary School Plascrug Community Primary School is an LEA maintained School situated in the beautiful, coastal town of Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. The majority of the children who attend the school are from the town itself, however, during recent years, due to the ex...
Read more Aberystwyth Aberystwyth is a lively university town, seaside resort complete with promenade and pier, and thesetting of atmospheric TV drama Hinterland.
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