• Location: Haverfordwest, SA61 1SZ
  • Contract: Permanent
  • Salary Type: Hourly
  • Language: English

This job application date has now expired.

Construction Specialists | Arbenigwyr Adeiladu

Pembrokeshire College
Help us to create a better workforce for the future generation! Helpwch ni i greu gweithlu gwell i'r genhedlaeth nesaf!Are you an experienced construction professional with substantive industrial experience within any of the following specialisms;

•Tendering, estimating and procurement, (associated with Quantity Surveying)

•Site Management

•Material Science, construction tech, (associated with specialist engineers, (structural, acoustic etc) and generally Architects and site managers)

•Surveying, (land and building surveying)

• CAD (linked to surveying and site management)

If so, we would welcome your skills and expertise to support with the delivery of our technical and professional courses to the next generation of Construction Managers and Designers.
The salary will range from £27.18 - £39.05 depending on your level of qualification and expertise.
We provide excellent and flexible working terms and conditions in addition to a generous holiday allowance and access to an excellent pension scheme and other health and wellbeing benefits.
If you are able to support with any of the above specialisms we would ask you to get in touch! For an informal discussion please contact Ian Fleming on 01437 753460.

•Tendro, amcangyfrif a chaffaeliad (cysylltiedig â Gwasanaeth Mesur Meintiau)

•Rheolaeth Safle

•Gwyddoniaeth Deunydd, technoleg adeiladu, (gysylltiedig gyda peirianwyr arbenigol, (strwythurol, acwstig ayb) ac yn gyffredinol gyda Phensaeri a rheolwyr safle)

•Arolygu, (arolygu tir ag adeiladau)

• CAD (yn gysylltiedig i arolygu a rheolaeth safle)

Os felly, byddwn ni'n croesawu eich sgiliau a'ch arbenigedd I gefnogi gyda darpariaeth ein cyrsiau technegol a phroffesiynol i'r cenhedlaeth nesaf o Reolwyr a Cynllunwyr Adeiladu.
Bydd y cyflog yn amrywio o £27.18 - £39.05 yn dibynnu lefel eich cymhwysterau a'ch arbenigedd.
Rydyn ni'n darparu telerau ag amodau gweithio ardderchog a hyblyg yn ogystal â lwfans gwyliau hael a mynediad I gynllun pensiwn ardderchog, a manteision iechyd a lles arall.
Os ydych chi'n gallu helpu gydag unrhywun o'r arbenigaethau uchod hoffwn ni i chi gysylltu a ni! Am sgwrs anffurfiol gysylltwch â Ian Fleming ar 01437 753460.