We are responsible for providing overall strategic leadership within our institution, ensuring the college achieves its strategic aims and objectives, as determined by our Board.

We develop and implement progressive strategic plans for development and improvement and have overall responsibility for the continued development and growth of our college's provision. We also ensure both our short and long-term strategies are communicated to internal and external audiences.

We provide inspiring and authentic leadership and direction across our college to ensure the achievement of our vision, mission and purpose, and to lead our college to a strong and sustainable future.

Our role involves a high level of responsibility, with pivotal decision making affecting the future of our organisation and employees. The designation of our role as ‘Chief Executive and Principal’ signals the importance of developing and championing the quality and breadth of education provided within our college, alongside business leadership.

We embed a culture of aspiration and achievement for all learners and staff. We demonstrate a commitment to the personal growth and development of staff and learners at all levels.

We establish clear lines of responsibility for, and oversight of, all areas within our college. We effectively line manage, appraise and develop senior leaders and their portfolio responsibilities.

We play an effective role in the work of our Governing Body, both as a member of the Board and as the key strategic and policy adviser to the Governors.

We ensure that the Governing Body and its committees are kept fully informed of key aspects of performance, major developments and key projects and that the college’s practices meet the standards of good governance.

We ensure all budgets and resources are managed effectively and appropriately and that there is an effective risk management system in place. This enables any risks to be evaluated, assessed and controlled in a way which ensures the future stability and reputation of the college.

We ensure that the college estate is planned, developed and operated effectively to produce the maximum benefit to the college within the context of our strategic aims.

We lead and promote a culture of partnership working to raise aspirations and realise ambitions.

We act as an ambassador for the college, to help maintain the positive image of the institution within our community and more broadly across the education sector. We build and maintain effective and mutually supportive links with key stakeholders at local, regional and national level, in order to foster and strengthen these relationships and networks.

We look for ways to widen opportunities for education within our community, driving forward both the commercial and educational success of our college.


These may include:

  • Teaching within the FE sector before moving into managerial roles, perhaps progressing through different levels and areas of responsibility
  • Director / Vice Principal role
  • Principal at a smaller college
  • Leadership role in the private sector


A chief executive and principal would be expected to be qualified to degree level (or hold an equivalent professional qualification), as well as holding a teaching qualification and relevant management or professional qualification.

A principal would also need to show extensive knowledge and experience of the sector and have demonstrable experience of delivering both academic and institutional success.


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  • highly effective communications skills
  • the ability to encourage, motivate and inspire others
  • excellent analytical, problem solving, negotiating and decision-making skills
  • an effective strategic leader and manager
  • an effective organiser and planner
  • able to work effectively under pressure
  • excellent interpersonal and networking skills
  • deep commitment to improvement and excellence




  • strong business acumen and ability to network within education, business and policymaking circles
  • experience of high-level financial management
  • confident and competent in the use of ICT
  • Welsh language skills - required levels will vary depending on the position but a commitment to the Welsh language (even if you are only developing your skills as a beginner) is expected across all roles
  • commitment to safeguarding learners and young people
  • commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.



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The may include:

  • Principal or Chief Executive at a larger FE institution or higher education (HE) institution
  • Leadership role in the another sector
  • Business consultancy
  • Advisory role to Welsh Government