Make a difference. Teach the subject you love yn y Gymraeg.

If you’re a Welsh speaker with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), your skills are in high demand in secondary schools across Wales.

You can switch to teaching secondary with Cynllun Pontio if you:

  • Already teach primary, in English or Cymraeg.
  • Currently teach outside Wales, but wish to return to teach in Wales yn y Gymraeg.
  • Have not been teaching for five years or more but wish to return to the profession (with primary or secondary QTS).

You will receive a salary, training, and lots of support through Cynllun Pontio to make the switch!


Apply Now


Download and complete the application form on the following page and submit via email by Sunday 2nd March 2025.For more information read the FAQs below, or our job advertisement.


Apply Now

Ffion Elson
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd, now teaching Welsh and Music
Moving from primary to secondary, I’ve loved being able to work with learners of all ages throughout the day.
Sian Bradley
Head of Biology at Ysgol Glantaf
What I love about the Welsh language is that I’m using the language of my family, where I come from.
Sarah Williams
Ysgol David Hughes, now teaching Mathematics
“After having two children I was ready to return to full-time work and try something new, so applied to the Cynllun Pontio.”
Angharad Pari-Williams
Ysgol David Hughes, now teaching Geography
“‘I applied to Cynllun Pontio after 14 years teaching primary, to see if my skills transferred to secondary.’”
Meinir Davies
Ysgol David Hughes, Deputy Headteacher and mentor
“My advice to anyone who's considering taking part on the Cynllun Pontio would be to go for it. Be open-minded, contact a local secondary school, ask to speak to someone, visit the school, get as much information as you can.”
Richard Battrick
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd, returned to Wales to teach Art and Technology
“The support from the teachers and Cynllun Pontio has been invaluable. There’s less to worry about than you think!”

If you require any additional information, please contact the team at

If you have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) as a primary school teacher, and you can teach in Welsh, then we want you to apply!

You can also apply if:

  • You already teach in the primary sector, but not currently in Welsh
  • You have QTS (primary or secondary) and work outside Wales, but wish to teach in Wales
  • You have QTS (primary or secondary) and have not been teaching for five years or more, but wish to return to the profession

You will be asked to name three Welsh-medium secondary schools in preference of where you would like to teach. We’ll facilitate this placement if your application is successful.


Each Cynllun Pontio participant will be contracted and paid by the schools/local authorities and receive a salary at the appropriate rate for the school year.

Cynllun Pontio is a partnership between participating schools and Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers over a period of one school year.

You will be expected to teach lessons with a teaching timetable increasing during the school year.

There will be four days of themed support delivered by ITE providers on:

  • Classroom management
  • Behaviour management
  • Teacher well-being and developing resilience
  • Time management / workload management strategies
  • Overview of lesson planning techniques
  • Overview of new Curriculum
  • Linguistic support: based on individual need

Participating schools will provide a range of experiences, support and professional development around:

  • Subject support
  • Marking and providing feedback
  • Lesson planning

Each teacher will have access to a professional support teacher within the school, who will be hold a professional development dialogue and provide support in a lesson every two weeks.

Applications to teach any subject are welcome, but there are different needs in different areas of Wales. There is a high demand for the following subjects:

  • biology
  • chemistry
  • design and technology
  • computer science/information technology
  • mathematics
  • modern foreign languages
  • physics
  • Welsh
  • English

Cynllun Pontio in action – Ysgol David Hughes