• Location: Haverfordwest, SA61 1SZ
  • Contract: Permanent
  • Salary Type: Annual
  • Language: English

This job application date has now expired.

Director of Learner Journey | Cyfarwyddwr Taith Y Dysgwr

Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire College is seeking a Leadership position as Director for Learner Journey to strategically lead key areas of the College in order to ensure an excellent, cohesive journey for learners throughout their College experience. Mae Coleg Sir Benfro am benodi Cyfarwyddwr Taith y Dysgwyr o fewn y Tîm Arweinyddiaeth i arwain meysydd allweddol o'r Coleg yn strategol er mwyn sicrhau taith ragorol, gydlynol i ddysgwyr drwy gydol eu profiad Coleg.The post holder will have the qualities, experience and skill set to lead and inspire stakeholders in all areas of responsibility within the College and will:
  • Develop best practice to ensure legislative and professional compliance across all areas of provision.
  • Lead the effective development and implementation of all areas of the Learner Journey to include: safeguarding, behaviour and support strategies, policies, procedures and systems to continually improve the Learner Journey.
  • Provide analysis and reporting of performance of all areas within the Cluster, driving relevant and agreed KPIs. Ensure that challenging targets are set with robust performance management
  • Ensure all teams within the Cluster deliver inclusive services to support learners across the College at all stages of the Learner Journey to contribute to high levels of retention, achievement, attainment and progression.

This is an exciting new role at Pembrokeshire College and the College is looking for candidates who have a proven track record of strategic management within an educational environment, and an evidencable commitment to supporting the delivery of excellent learning and teaching, whilst driving up learner outcomes.
Directly reporting to the Principal, you will be a key member of the Executive Leadership Team and will work closely with the Corporation Board, Senior Managers and Department Heads to set targets and deliver excellence. The ideal candidate will be a dynamic leader and a creative communicator who can articulate a shared vision for the College and inspire others to succeed. An individual with integrity, who prioritises collaboration, empowers others and is visible and accessible to staff and learners.
If you believe that you have the vision, skills, expertise, and enthusiasm to make a difference, we want to hear from you.
For full details about this opportunity, please refer to the attached 'Recruitment Pack'.
Please note: Attachments cannot be viewed or downloaded from a mobile or tablet device. Therefore, please ensure that attachments are accessed via a desktop device.

Closing Date: Midnight, Thursday 18th July 2024

Interview Date: Wednesday 31st July 2024

Bydd gan ddeiliad y swydd y rhinweddau, y profiad a'r set sgiliau i arwain ac ysbrydoli rhanddeiliaid ym mhob maes cyfrifoldeb o fewn y Coleg a bydd yn:
  • Datblygu arfer gorau i sicrhau cydymffurfiad deddfwriaethol a phroffesiynol ar draws pob maes darpariaeth.
  • Arwain datblygiad a gweithrediad effeithiol pob maes o Daith y Dysgwr i gynnwys: strategaethau diogelu, ymddygiad a chymorth, polisïau, gweithdrefnau a systemau i wella Taith y Dysgwr yn barhaus.
  • Darparu dadansoddiad ac adrodd ar berfformiad yr holl feysydd o fewn y Clwstwr, gan ysgogi DPAau perthnasol a chytunedig. Sicrhau bod targedau heriol yn cael eu gosod gyda rheolaeth perfformiad cadarn.
  • Sicrhau bod pob tîm o fewn y Clwstwr yn darparu gwasanaethau cynhwysol i gefnogi dysgwyr ar draws y Coleg ar bob cam o Daith y Dysgwr i gyfrannu at lefelau uchel o gadw, cyflawniad, cyrhaeddiad a dilyniant.

Mae hon yn rôl newydd gyffrous yng Ngholeg Sir Benfro ac mae'r Coleg yn chwilio am ymgeiswyr sydd â hanes profedig o reolaeth strategol o fewn amgylchedd addysgol, ac ymrwymiad amlwg i gefnogi cyflwyno dysgu ac addysgu rhagorol, tra'n hybu canlyniadau dysgwyr.
Gan adrodd yn uniongyrchol i'r Pennaeth, byddwch yn aelod allweddol o'r Tîm Arweinyddiaeth ac yn gweithio'n agos gyda Bwrdd y Gorfforaeth, Uwch Reolwyr a Phenaethiaid Adrannau i osod targedau a chyflawni rhagoriaeth. Bydd yr ymgeisydd delfrydol yn arweinydd deinamig ac yn gyfathrebwr creadigol a all fynegi gweledigaeth gyffredin ar gyfer y Coleg ac ysbrydoli eraill i lwyddo. Unigolyn ag uniondeb, sy'n blaenoriaethu cydweithio, yn grymuso eraill ac sy'n weladwy ac yn hygyrch i staff a dysgwyr.
Os credwch fod gennych y weledigaeth, y sgiliau, yr arbenigedd, a'r brwdfrydedd i wneud gwahaniaeth, rydym am glywed gennych.
Am fanylion llawn am y cyfle hwn, cyfeiriwch at y 'Pecyn Recriwtio' sydd ynghlwm.
Sylwer: Ni ellir gweld na lawrlwytho atodiadau o ddyfais symudol neu dablet. Felly, sicrhewch fod atodiadau yn cael eu cyrchu drwy ddyfais bwrdd gwaith.

Dyddiad Cau Ceisiadau: Hanner nos, Nos Fawrth 18 Gorffennaf 2024

Dyddiad Cyfweliad: Dydd Mercher 31 Gorffennaf 2024