• Hours: Full time
  • Salary Type: Annual
  • Salary: £73,426.00 - To: £80,865.00
  • Language: Welsh
  • Closing Date: 10 January, 2025 12:00 AM

This job application date has now expired.

Dirprwy Bennaeth (Dyfodol)/Deputy Headteacher (Futures),Blessed Carlo Acutis Catholic School

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council

Salary: £73,426.00 - To: £80,865.00

Deputy Headteacher (Futures)
Full time, permanent contract, commencing Monday 28th April 2025

We are excited to be able to advertise for one of the first roles in our new restructure as a relatively newly formed Catholic 3-16 school. Our mission statement drives all that we do and our structure has been created to reflect this. This position is one of two Deputy Headteacher posts who will work closely with the Executive Headteacher to lead on curriculum, academic and standards across the school.

We hope that this recruitment pack gives you a good idea of our school, our values and our ambitions for the future. We are located in Merthyr Tydfil, and we serve the local community as well as the Heads of the Valleys region. We have the benefits of a magnificent new school building on the horizon that meets our philosophy and vision of an all age school.

We are both inclusive and ambitious for all of our students, no matter what their context, and believe that consistency and routines are a powerful way of achieving this. We have high expectations of any student, and our standards across the school reflect our ambitious attitude.

Our school community is founded upon faith, shared values, honesty and mutual respect. Our culture of continuous improvement is driven by transparency, open staff dialogue, and regular student and parent voice. We are a happy and successful school, and one that recognises the transformative nature of education for our local community and wider society. We are absolutely determined to be the equal of the very best schools in the country, and this role is a foundational part of that ambition.

For further information about us please contact us, or visit our website.

We look forward to receiving applications from candidates whose personal qualities and values reflect those in the person specification, and whose experiences also place them in a strong position to deliver the challenges set out in the job description. Thank you again for your interest.
Should you require any further information about our school, please visit our website or via the details in the candidate pack.

Closing Date: Friday 10th January 2025
Interview Dates: 21st and 22nd January 2025.
Start date: Monday April 28th 2025

The Bishops of England and Wales require this post be filled by a Practising Catholic and Priest's references will be sought.

In order to apply, applicants are required to complete and submit an application form, which can be downloaded via eTeach or via the link in the candidate pack. We do not accept CVs.

Applications may be submitted in Welsh, and an application submitted in Welsh will not be treated less favourably than an application submitted in English. As this is one of two Deputy Headteacher posts, candidates are able to apply for both but will be required to complete an application for each vacancy.

Appointment to this post is exempt from Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure Check.

You will be required to provide evidence of all qualifications specified as essential.

If you do not have access to the internet, application forms can be obtained by telephoning 01685 725000 and are to be returned no later than 10th January 2025 to HR Administration, Civic Centre, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8AN.


Ability to speak Welsh is desirable.

The Governing Body is committed to protecting and safeguarding the most vulnerable people in our community. Rigorous pre-employment checks are undertaken for all appointments as part of our recruitment and selection process.

All employees are required to comply with their individual and organisational responsibilities under the Data Protection Act, the Information Security Policy and relevant supporting operational policies.