• Location: Monmouth, Monmouthshire, NP25 5BA
  • Subject: ALN Coordinator
  • Hours: Part Time
  • Contract: Permanent
  • Salary Type: Annually
  • Language: English
  • Closing Date: 06 March, 2025 12:00 AM
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Class teacher and Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) - Overmonnow Primary School

Monmouthshire County Council
This is an exciting opportunity to join our wonderful Primary School, working as an effective classroom practitioner and as the ALNCo across the mainstream school.

N.B This job description should be used in conjunction with the Classroom Teachers job description.


• To work strategically with the senior leadership team and governors to ensure the education setting is meeting its responsibilities under the ALNET Act, the Draft Code (2018) and the Equality Act (2010).

• To take a strategic role in the planning and delivery of provision for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs (ALN).

• To ensure that children and young people with Additional Learning Needs have their needs appropriately identified and met, their independence promoted and that they are supported to make at least good progress and achieve their full potential.

• To promote knowledge and understanding of the ALNET Act and the 2018 Draft Code and support the implementation of the SEN to ALN transformation process.

• To support school improvement, professional development, and learning.

Main duties and Responsibilities

• To oversee the day-to-day operation of the school’s arrangements for ALN. This includes contributing to the development and implementation of appropriate ALN procedures and systems within the school, including strategic financial planning, effective deployment of resources and data collection and analysis, with a view to improved outcomes for learners with ALN.

• To provide professional support to all staff to enable the early identification, assessment and planning for learners with ALN, this might include supporting staff with managing tracking systems and good target setting.

• To have designated overall responsibility from the governing body for ensuring that all learners across the setting with ALN, who require ALP have an IDP, which includes an action plan. This includes making arrangements for identifying the learners’ ALN and co-ordinating the ALP that meets those needs.

• To ensure that whenever the school has a duty to decide whether a pupil or student has ALN, to oversee the process and development of the IDP where required.

• To ensure that IDPs are developed and reviewed appropriately.

• To ensure that IDPs and any other associated records relating to pupils/students ALN and ALP are maintained and kept up to date.

• To oversee the ALP across the school to meet the needs identified within IDPs. This involves ensuring regular reviews of the ALP made for learners and may involve leading the review process to ensure provision continues to meet identified needs.

• To secure relevant services that will support the learner’s ALP as required. This includes liaising with external agencies and specialist services.

• To act as the key point of contact for the local authority inclusion and support services, external agencies, independent/voluntary organisations, health and social care professionals, educational psychologists etc.

• To liaise with and provide information to children, young people or the parents of children with ALN on a regular basis about learners ALN, their ALP and IDP.

• To monitor the effectiveness of ALP, monitor the impact of interventions and assess progress achieved against planned outcomes for all learners with ALN. Where progress is not meeting expectations to review the interventions and adjust accordingly.

• To promote learner’s inclusion in school and ensure equity of access to the curriculum, facilities and extra-curricular activities.

• To support learners with an IDP with their transition between education settings, further study or work. This includes overseeing the appropriate transfer of information between education settings about the learner’s ALN and ALP. It also includes liaising with careers specialists to ensure that learners with ALN receive appropriate careers advice.

• To prepare and review the information required to be published by the governing body pursuant to the ALN Code, including relevant policies.

• To advise teachers about high quality differentiated teaching methods appropriate for individuals with ALN.

• To advise on and contribute to the broader support provided within the school including the professional learning of other staff. This includes contributing to in-service training for teachers and supervising and arranging the training of teaching assistants who work with learners with ALN.

• To be a source of expertise on ALN by developing specialist skills and knowledge and keeping up-to-date on the latest guidance available for ALN.

• To continue to develop own professional learning by liaising with other ALNCos, Specialist settings and professionals to develop and share experience and best practice. This includes ensuring your record is up-to-date with the Education Workforce Council in respect of roles and professional learning in relation to ALN.

• To ensure that the arrangements put in place by the local authority in relation to avoiding and resolving disagreements are fully utilised as appropriate.