We help schools to create the best environment for pupils to learn and progress effectively and safely at all ages and key stages.

School leaders include headteachers, deputy headteachers, assistant headteachers, business managers, heads of years and heads of departments. These roles form senior leadership teams and other leadership teams within schools. 

School leaders are ambitious about building successful teams and driving performance for the benefit of pupils. We are required to act with professionalism and integrity at all times. Between us, we take on a range of specific responsibilities for areas such as curriculum development, teaching and learning, pedagogy, pastoral and safeguarding, finance, data and systems and human resources.

We also work in partnership with a range of stakeholders beyond the school gates including families, local authorities, regional school improvement consortia and other organisations.

Teaching professionals at all stages can begin to take on leadership responsibilities and progress within schools. School leadership roles provide fulfilling and rewarding avenues for varied and engaging career progression within the education sector. 


As headteachers, our role is to effectively lead and manage a school, transforming the educational environment into one that allows all learners and staff to be the best possible version of themselves.

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As deputy headteachers, our role is to support the headteacher in the day-to-day running of the school, ensuring that it meets the needs of all learners and staff. As members of the senior leadership team, we assist in the reviewing and developing of school policies and procedures.


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As assistant headteachers, our role is to support the headteacher in ensuring that the school environment is a welcoming and thriving place to be. As members of the senior leadership team, we share a number of our responsibilities with deputy headteachers.

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