Know how to use evidence and research to improve my leadership
maintaining up-to-date knowledge of local and national developments to assist with strategy and benchmarking
I keep abreast of local and national developments to ensure that I have an up to date understanding of the latest practice within my area. I also actively identify opportunities to benchmark work within my area against best practices elsewhere.
Where relevant, I establish and maintain connections with employers, regulatory bodies and other organisations within the sector, gaining valuable insights into relevant innovations and helping me to benchmark work within my area against best practice elsewhere.
I maintain an up-to-date knowledge of local and national developments relevant to my area of the organisation and share my knowledge with colleagues across my team(s).
I embrace opportunities to engage with a range of networks, including working with businesses and representative bodies, to ensure that practice within my team(s) meets current industry needs.
I foster a culture of continuous improvement across my organisation, placing a strong emphasis upon maintaining awareness of key developments and innovations and ensuring that we embrace emerging trends and cutting-edge practice.
engaging in meaningful action research to improve teaching and learning, and the experience of learners
I engage in active action research, to improve practice within my area, identifying potential areas for investigation and participating in research projects, where there are relevant opportunities to do so.
I actively support and facilitate opportunities to enable action research and work to understand and disseminate the results of action research projects being undertaken within my team(s).
I review and support the research of colleagues/aspiring leaders when appropriate.
I actively encourage and enable action research across my organisation as a means of enhancing teaching and learning and driving a culture of continuous improvement. I also use the findings from action research to inform the development of strategies to address any identified needs and promote continuous improvement.
Value and promote diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion
ensuring that organisational policies, procedures and practices relating to diversity, equality and inclusion are promoted, implemented, impact assessed and kept up to date
I actively seek opportunities to promote equality, diversity and inclusion and encourage colleagues to ensure that all learners and stakeholders are treated equally and fairly.
I have completed all required training (e.g. diversity awareness) and take advantage of additional opportunities to upskill myself in order to be an effective and knowledgeable advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion within my organisation.
I embrace diversity and equality of opportunity and actively implement policies that promote an inclusive environment.
I ensure that I and those within my team(s), have completed all required training (e.g. diversity awareness).
I take advantage of additional opportunities to upskill myself in order to be an effective and knowledgeable advocate for equality, diversity and inclusion.
I embrace opportunities to share my knowledge and experience with colleagues within my team(s).
I lead by example in promoting diversity and equality of opportunity.
I take diverse perspectives into account and foster effective communication between stakeholders. This allows me to effectively contribute to the development of policies and initiatives that help achieve an inclusive and respectful organisational culture.
I work to create an organisation where colleagues and learners are encouraged to develop a deeper understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion and to embrace opportunities to engage with these themes.
I monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policies and initiatives relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.
ensuring processes are in place, and monitored, to enable staff throughout the organisation to challenge discrimination in all forms
I challenge discrimination and unacceptable behaviour wherever I encounter it (or am made aware of it) and support the creation of an environment in which learners and colleagues feel safe to do so.
I understand my organisation’s policies around discrimination and anti-racism and help provide colleagues with support when they are dealing with difficult or sensitive issues.
I challenge discrimination and unacceptable behaviour wherever I encounter it (or am made aware of it). I also implement policies that enable colleagues to do so, fostering an inclusive and respectful organisational culture that values diversity and promotes equal opportunities for everyone.
I advocate for anti-racist practice and strive to create an inclusive environment for all students.
I am a role model within my organisation in relation to equality diversity and inclusion, challenging discrimination and unacceptable behaviour wherever I encounter it (or am made aware of it).
I champion anti-racist practice and am committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all students.
I ensure that policies and processes are in place and actively monitored for effectiveness in enabling staff to challenge discrimination.
I critically reflect upon the implications of issues around diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion upon my own practice, and support and encourage colleagues to do the same.
I develop my understanding of discrimination by looking outside of my organisation and share best practice with colleagues.
Develop and implement effective policies and strategies to support the delivery of effective learning, teaching and assessment
promoting and facilitating effective provision to meet the needs of learners, employers and the local and national economy
I understand the importance of effective policies and strategies for the effective governance of my organisation.
I help to implement my organisation’s policies and strategies and work to ensure that my colleagues also do.
I work with colleagues across my team(s) to ensure that they employ a range of teaching, learning and assessment strategies, using appropriate pedagogical approaches to ensure that learners are active participants, both as individuals and as members of collaborative groups.
I contribute to the development and/or implementation of policies and initiatives that drive the development of high-quality teaching and learning, aligned with the organisation’s mission and objectives. I take action to address administrative and bureaucratic burdens that don’t add value for learners.
leading practices and approaches which enable digital literacy and the use of digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning
I encourage colleagues to engage with the Digital Standards, develop digital skills and make use of digital teaching and learning platforms to support innovative teaching, learning and assessment.
I implement organisational policies regarding the use of digital teaching and learning platforms to ensure that my team(s) use technology creatively to support teaching, learning and assessment and help learners to develop their digital skills. I also monitor and evaluate the impact of this technology on learner outcomes and make adjustments as needed.
I encourage colleagues within my team(s) to engage with the Digital Standards to help them develop digital skills to support innovative teaching, learning and assessment.
I contribute to policies and strategies that encourage the innovative use of digital teaching and learning throughout my organisation. I embrace new technology to enhance teaching and support our learners in developing digital skills. I also stay informed about emerging technologies and their potential to further improve teaching and learning.
I guide and support colleagues to make effective use of digital platforms within their practice and engage with relevant professional learning opportunities to support teaching, learning and assessment.
Maintain and update knowledge of policies and strategies relevant to my sector
keeping abreast of external good practice and research in relation to my areas of leadership
I maintain knowledge of policies and practice in industry (where relevant and appropriate). I also work with colleagues to ensure we are imparting up to date information to learners.
I keep abreast of the latest developments in industry, in areas relevant to me and my team(s).
I ensure that the knowledge and skills of those within my team(s) are up to date and that their teaching is in line with current policies, strategies and practice in relevant sectors.
I work to ensure that I have an up-to-date knowledge of relevant sectors and of good practice from other organisations, helping me to contribute to the development and implementation of policies and strategies that are aligned with both organisational goals and industry trends.
maintaining knowledge of the programmes we deliver as an organisation and understanding changes depending on my job role
I have a good knowledge of the programmes within my area of the organisation and work with colleagues to ensure that they are kept up to date. I also strive to understand how these programmes fit within the broader organisational goals.
I maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the programmes delivered by my team(s) and work with colleagues to help ensure that they are maintaining their own knowledge and understanding of the programmes we offer.
I keep up to date with curriculum changes, industry trends, and emerging programme needs to support my organisation in comprehensive curriculum planning, programme development and delivery.
Build positive and collaborative relationships
playing a leading role in internal groups and representing my organisation through actively participating in external groups and networks
I ensure that I am active in appropriate groups internally and externally.
I ensure that I am active in a range of groups, where I represent my team(s) / the organisation.
I play a lead role in key decision-making groups within my organisation, drawing on my knowledge and experience to inform and influence decisions.
I also represent the organisation externally at meetings, conferences, working groups, networks, and forums, presenting a positive image and influencing the wider education landscape.
using advanced negotiating skills to facilitate professional relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
I use my negotiating skills to foster collaboration and to swiftly resolve any issues or conflicts that may arise within my area.
I use my negotiating skills to foster collaboration both within and outside my team(s), actively listening to all sides of the issue and finding solutions that meet everyone's needs.
I use my negotiating skills when interacting with both internal and external stakeholders, to exert influence and provide effective strategic leadership through actively listening to all sides of the issue and finding solutions that meet everyone's needs.
Know how to use evidence and research to improve my leadership
maintaining knowledge and critical understanding of research and key developments in education policy and legislation and taking opportunities to share and apply insights
I keep abreast of policy and legislation relevant to my academic area.
I engage with credible sources of research, helping me to reflect upon and improve my practice and that of my colleagues.
I familiarise myself with different research methodologies and reflect upon how these can be applied to decision making within my organisation.
I continually engage with a range of research, critically evaluating its quality and considering how new knowledge and insights might be deployed to improve my organisation and enhance learner outcomes and experience.
I embrace evidence driven decision making and ensure that colleagues within my team(s) also do so.
I actively encourage colleagues to keep up to date with the latest developments in their areas.
I maintain an up-to-date overview of developments in education policy and legislative changes that impact upon my organisation, ensuring that important matters are highlighted to relevant individuals at all levels.
I actively encourage colleagues across my organisation to keep up to date with the latest developments in their areas and seek to develop a culture in which individuals take responsibility for doing so.
I lead the organisation in seeking to actively utilise research and evidence to support long-term strategies and goals.
reflecting on the latest theories and research with colleagues and exploring their relevance to my leadership context
I work collaboratively with colleagues, sharing and discussing new ideas and innovations.
I actively engage with professional learning networks and share best practice and research findings with colleagues to support continuous improvement across my team(s).
I initiate and (where appropriate) lead collaborative professional learning networks that expand professional learning opportunities for myself and colleagues across my organisation. Within these networks, I facilitate discussions on the latest theories and research, and encourage critical analysis of their relevance in the context of our leadership.
Build positive and collaborative relationships
building and maintaining strategic relationships with internal and external stakeholders, including learners
I develop my interpersonal skills and actively participate in networks within my organisation.
I create a positive working environment and form effective relationships with learners, colleagues and other stakeholders, based on excellent communication and active listening.
I foster positive relationships with colleagues and learners throughout the organisation.
I encourage a culture of co-operation and collaboration within my team(s), in order to achieve our goals. I also work to identify and resolve conflicts arising within the team or with external stakeholders.
I work closely with external stakeholders, in areas that are relevant to my team(s) and nurture these relationships.
I understand the importance of social partnership and embrace opportunities to collaborate with employers, unions and government to help develop provision, in my area, that meets the needs of learners, empowers educators and enhances the overall learning experience.
I maintain excellent relationships with colleagues throughout the organisation, as well as with learners.
I develop and nurture partnerships with external stakeholders and promote collaboration, on a broader scale, to help achieve our mission and objectives.
I actively embrace social partnership, collaborating with employers, trade unions, government and other stakeholders, through formal and informal mechanisms, to ensure that my organisation contributes to the development of a skills system that empowers educators and provides coherent pathways for vocational, technical and skilled work within our geographical region.
acting as an ambassador for the organisation
I actively learn and represent the organisation's values and goals to colleagues, learners, and other stakeholders within my area of work.
I act as an ambassador for the organisation, consistently modelling, reinforcing, and articulating our values and goals to a wider audience of internal and external stakeholders. I also identify opportunities to promote the organisation's mission and achievements.
I serve as a strategic ambassador for the organisation, proactively building relationships and advocating for our values and goals at a regional and national level. I leverage my leadership role to secure positive media coverage and public recognition for the organisation's achievements, positively influencing perceptions of the organisation within the wider community.
Demonstrate leadership, integrity, courtesy and respect towards others
acting as a role model for fair, courteous and respectful behaviours and exemplifying the professional values of leadership
I lead by example at all times, showing integrity, courtesy and respect in my interactions with colleagues, learners and stakeholders.
I reinforce the importance of respectful and ethical behaviour amongst those that I manage (including, where relevant, amongst sub-contractors) and lead by example in emphasising integrity and respect as essential values.
I recognise my personal responsibility as a role model, to uphold public trust and confidence in the education profession.
I set the tone for my organisation in demonstrating fair, courteous and respectful behaviours to colleagues, learners and stakeholders. I prioritise integrity and respect in my interactions and decisions.
I foster a culture of open communication and accountability within the organisation, where all staff feel comfortable raising concerns about disrespectful or unethical behaviour.
listening to and respecting other peoples’ views and ensuring that the opinions and ideas of colleagues throughout the organisation are heard
I ensure that learners, colleagues and stakeholders are provided with opportunities to voice their opinions and ensure that all individuals have a fair chance to be heard.
I actively seek the views of learners, colleagues and stakeholders.
Where necessary, I work to implement relevant changes across my team(s), in order to address issues that have been raised.
I routinely engage with learners, colleagues and stakeholders, reflecting upon their thoughts and opinions. I then communicate these insights to relevant stakeholders and feed them into my decision making, to help drive a culture of continuous improvement.
Understand the importance of the Welsh culture and language as a bilingual nation
identifying and taking advantage of opportunities for the organisation (and colleagues) to celebrate the diverse culture of Wales and its place in the world
I promote the importance of Welsh culture (including the language) when supporting learners.
I actively seek out opportunities to celebrate the culture and language of Wales and its place in the world and have embedded the value of bilingualism in my practice.
I am an ambassador for Welsh culture and the Welsh language. I play a key role in shaping the organisation's approach to celebrating Welsh culture and the Welsh language and have formed links with individuals and organisations throughout Wales and beyond, to further my knowledge and help foster mutual understanding.
pursuing opportunities for my own Welsh language development and ensuring staff have the confidence and skills
I am committed to developing both my own Welsh language skills and those of learners.
I understand the purpose of the Welsh Language Standards – to create rights for people to use Welsh, to promote its usage and to ensure that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than English within my organisation.
I advise learners of their rights, set out within the Welsh Language Standards, to access services through the medium of Welsh, encouraging them to engage with Welsh medium services.
I continue to develop my Welsh language skills and actively pursue opportunities to apply and extend my understanding and skills.
I embrace opportunities to use the language within the workplace, with learners and colleagues.
I employ teaching practices that provide opportunities for learners to further develop their Welsh language skills.
I promote the benefits of Welsh, as an employability skill, to learners, staff and employers.
I advise colleagues within my team(s) of learners’ rights, set out within the Welsh Language Standards, to access services through the medium of Welsh.
I am a confident advocate for and on behalf of the Welsh language and work to facilitate bilingualism within my organisation.
I use my skills and knowledge to enthuse learners and colleagues to develop their Welsh language skills.
I support bilingual teaching methodologies to ensure all learners are encouraged and provided with opportunities to develop their Welsh language skills, whatever their starting position.
I promote the benefits of Welsh, as an employability skill, to learners, colleagues, employers and wider stakeholders, ensuring that professional development opportunities are available for colleagues who wish to improve their Welsh language skills.
I ensure that due consideration is given to Welsh language requirements for different roles within my organisation, when we conduct recruitment exercises.
I ensure that colleagues throughout my organisation understand the required levels of service set out within the Welsh Language Standards and our organisational duty to comply with them.
Establish and maintain strategic processes and approaches which enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment
ensuring there are processes in place which empower learners to set ambitious goals and targets and to evaluate their own progress against these, and monitoring the implementation and impact of these approaches
I promote learner- centric approaches that emphasise shared responsibility, between learners and teaching staff.
I work with colleagues to help individual learners identify ambitious goals and targets for their learning, providing them with feedback and supporting their progress.
I ensure that learner-centric approaches are embedded across my team(s) and promote shared responsibility, between learners and teaching staff.
I ensure that colleagues support opportunities for learners to collaboratively identify ambitious goals and targets, providing them with feedback on their progress and helping them to evaluate their own progress.
I contribute to and influence the development of policies and strategies that embed shared responsibility for learning and assessment as a central element of my organisation’s educational approach.
I share my knowledge and skills with others, to demonstrate how I empower learners to take responsibility for their learning and evaluate their progress against ambitious goals and targets.
I also monitor the impact of these practices on learner outcomes and use this information to inform further development.
ensuring there are appropriate mechanisms in place for communicating effectively with all learners, employers and others as appropriate
I communicate well with learners, employers, colleagues and other stakeholders, openly sharing relevant information and encouraging others to do the same (in accordance with organisational policies and procedures and relevant legislation).
I ensure that colleagues within my team(s) communicate effectively with learners, employers, colleagues and other stakeholders, in order to help achieve the best learner outcomes.
I model effective communication with learners, colleagues, employers and stakeholders throughout the wider community.
I ensure mechanisms are in place to facilitate successful collaborative relationships with key internal stakeholders to help achieve the best learner outcomes.
Demonstrate effective strategic leadership and governance
ensuring my knowledge of effective organisational governance and strategic leadership remain up to date and relevant
I am involved in strategic planning and organisational governance. Where required I serve on boards and committees, allowing me to participate in decision making and policy development that contributes to the effective governance of the organisation.
I am involved in strategic planning and organisational governance. I serve on boards and committees, allowing me to participate in decision making and policy development that contributes to the effective governance of the organisation and play a leading role in governance processes relevant to my team(s).
I contribute to the development and implementation of strategic plans, policies and processes that ensure effective governance across the whole organisation, underpinning the effective delivery of our organisational goals.
I ensure that colleagues and governors are kept fully informed about key developments within the organisation, understand our strategic vision and objectives and contribute effectively to the organisation’s overall governance framework.
ensuring my strategic leadership and governance meet the needs of learners, colleagues and stakeholders
I am continually developing my understanding of how strategic leadership and effective governance contributes to meeting the needs of learners, colleagues and stakeholders. I actively seek opportunities to learn from colleagues involved in strategic planning and governance.
I actively translate the organisation's strategic vision and goals into actionable plans within my team, ensuring they address the needs of learners, colleagues and stakeholders. I consider the impact of my decisions and governance practices on these groups
I champion a strategic direction that prioritises the needs of learners, colleagues, and stakeholders. I ensure that strategic planning and governance processes actively gather and consider stakeholder input to inform decision-making
Demonstrate commitment to learners, their learning, safety and well-being
enabling staff to develop strategies and approaches to inspire, support and stretch learners, taking account of their starting points and progression options enabling staff to develop strategies and approaches to inspire, support and stretch learners, taking account of their starting points and progression options
I actively foster enthusiasm and work with colleagues to help learners make the most of their abilities.
I identify the needs and aspirations of individual learners and set work that inspires and stretches them.
I work to create a positive learning environment, where we collectively embrace a range of teaching and assessment methods to stretch, challenge and inspire learners.
I take day to day responsibility for health and safety, safeguarding and general wellbeing within my team(s) and am proactive in identifying areas requiring support.
I contribute to the development and implementation of strategies and approaches (in line with our mission and values) that inspire, support and challenge learners.
I ensure that the educational experience, health, safety, and wellbeing of learners is at the heart of everything that we do.
I have overarching responsibility for learner journey and outcomes across the organisation.
I set the vision for learner success in my organisation. I establish high expectations and foster a culture in which colleagues continually challenge and inspire learners and provide support that is tailored to individual needs.
ensuring staff are fully supported, trained and mentored to ensure learners are fully supported
I actively foster enthusiasm and work with colleagues to help learners make the most of their abilities.
I identify the needs and aspirations of individual learners and set work that inspires and stretches them.
I work to create a positive learning environment, where we collectively embrace a range of teaching and assessment methods to stretch, challenge and inspire learners.
I take day to day responsibility for health and safety, safeguarding and general wellbeing within my team(s) and am proactive in identifying areas requiring support.
I champion a culture of continuous professional development by investing in staff training programmes and mentoring initiatives, and through encouraging opportunities to share best practice across the organisation.
I support the development and maintenance of communities of practice / professional networks, where good practice is shared, within my organisation.
I leverage internal expertise and external networks to stay informed about educational trends and best practices that help benefit learners to succeeds
Critically reflect on own values, knowledge and skills to improve learning and leadership
developing my own leadership skills along with other appropriate professional skills
I practise self-reflection, regularly reviewing both my subject area knowledge and other professional skills relevant to my role, to ensure I have the necessary expertise to support colleagues and improve the experience of learners.
I practise self-reflection and also encourage others across my team(s) to do so, to enhance both their subject area knowledge and other professional skills.
I emphasise the importance of reflective practice to colleagues, in terms of both their professional development and enhancing the educational experience of learners.
I model reflective practice and regularly evaluate my own leadership style.
I encourage a culture of self-reflection across the organisation, where colleagues have the opportunity to evaluate their skills and knowledge and the effectiveness of their leadership and practice, to drive improvement.
critically appraising my own practice and adapting it in the light of reflection and feedback
I critically appraise my teaching and learning practices, considering the impact on learners. I actively seek feedback from colleagues and learners and use their insights to develop my skills and improve learner experience.
I critically appraise my practice across various leadership areas, considering its impact on learners and the team. I actively seek and analyse feedback from colleagues and learners at different levels. I use this feedback to continuously improve my leadership and develop effective strategies to support my team in enhancing learner experience.
I critically reflect on feedback to evaluate my own leadership and consider how it impacts on colleagues and learners.
I support colleagues to embed these skills in their own practice and to find innovative ways to support learners and improve learning.
Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability
ensuring that organisational policies, procedures and practices relating to sustainability are developed, promoted, implemented and impact assessed
I work with colleagues to implement organisational policies relating to sustainability within my area.
I ensure all relevant policies, procedures and practices relating to sustainability are properly understood, promoted and implemented across my team(s).
I oversee the development of policies, procedures and practices relating to sustainability across my organisation. I champion these policies and monitor their implementation.
inspiring, motivating and enabling learners and colleagues to make changes needed to contribute to the Welsh Government’s plan to achieve net zero
I actively promote sustainability within my area of work, encouraging colleagues and learners to adopt environmentally and socially responsible practices. I identify opportunities to integrate sustainability principles into my teaching and learning practices.
I champion sustainability within my team and across the organisation. I work with colleagues to develop and implement strategies that encourage environmentally and socially responsible practices. I identify opportunities to integrate sustainability principles into various aspects of team operations.
I provide strategic leadership for achieving net zero within the organisation. I develop and promote a whole-organisation approach to sustainability, aligning our practices with the Welsh Government's net zero plan. I actively seek opportunities to collaborate with external stakeholders to advance sustainability initiatives.