The professional standards for FE teachers, WBL practitioners and adult learning practitioners were published in July 2023

Building on the 2017 standards for FE teachers and WBL practitioners they now encompass practitioners who deliver adult learning in the community. The standards exemplify excellence in the professional practice of FE, WBL, and AL, providing a framework for your continuing professional development through collaboration and self-reflection to ensure a high quality of delivery across the sector. 

Discover the standards

The interactive tool below allows you to explore what the standards mean to you and to look at applying the standards at different levels of practice - exploring, embedding, and transforming. Click on the logos below to explore the standards one by one. 

Explore the Standards

Demonstrate commitment to learners, their learning, safety and wellbeing

Inspiring, supporting and stretching learners, taking account of their starting points and progression options

Working with others to ensure learners are fully supported

Value and promote diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion

Embracing diversity and advocating inclusion

Challenging discrimination in all forms
Understand the importance of the Welsh culture & language as a bilingual nation

Taking opportunities to celebrate the diverse culture of Wales an it's place in the world

Pursuing opportunities for my own Welsh language development and promoting its importance to others
Demonstrate dignity, courtesy & respect towards Others

Listening to and respecting other people's views, opinions and ideas

Acting as a role model for fair, courteous and respectful behaviours
Maintain and update knowledge of my subject(s) and how best to teach and asses them

Keeping abreast of my subject or vocational area and of effective teaching and assessment methods

Using assessment of and for learning to support learner progress
Know how to use evidence and research to improve my practice

Accessing and experimenting with research from a range of sources

Reflecting on the latest theories and research with colleagues and exploring their relevance to my teaching & learning context
Plan & deliver effective learning, teaching & assessment

Identifying, preparing, delivering and assessing learning programmes

Using a range of media, including digital, effectively to enhance the learning process
Build positive & collaborative relationships

Working to build and maintain relationships with learners, colleagues, employers and others as appropriate

Exercising leadership through all aspects of professional practice and participating in and contributing towards professional learning networks
Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment

Working with all learners to empower them to set challenging goals and targets and to evaluate their own progress against these

Communicating effectively with all learners, employers and others as appropriate
Critically reflect on my own values, knowledge and skills to improve learning

Developing my own literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills along with other appropriate professional skills

Critically appraising my own practice and adapting it in the light of reflection and feedback, including feedback from learners
Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability

Inspiring and motivating learners and colleagues to make the changes needed to achieve net zero

Supporting learners to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development