Understand the importance of the Welsh culture and language as a bilingual nation:
taking opportunities to celebrate the diverse culture of Wales and its place in the world
I promote the importance of Welsh language and culture) when supporting learners.
I understand the purpose of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 – which declares that the Welsh language has official status in Wales, and make provisions to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language.
I understand the purpose of the Welsh Language Standards – to create rights for people to use Welsh, to promote its usage, and to ensure that the language is not treated less favourably than English within my organisation.
I advise learners of their rights, set out within the Welsh Language Standards, to access services through the medium of Welsh, encouraging them to engage with Welsh medium and bilingual services.
I actively seek out opportunities to celebrate the culture of Wales and its place in the world and support the development of contextualised learning in relation to this area.
I actively promote Welsh language and culture.
I advise learners of their rights, set out within the Welsh Language Standards, to access services through the medium of Welsh, encouraging them to engage with Welsh medium services.
I am an ambassador for all aspects of Welsh language and have formed links with individuals and organisations throughout Wales and beyond in order to further my knowledge and foster mutual understanding.
I have embedded bilingualism in my practice.
I advise learners of their rights, set out within the Welsh Language Standards, to access services through the medium of Welsh, encouraging them to engage with Welsh medium services.
pursuing opportunities for my own Welsh language development and promoting its importance to others
I am committed to developing both my own Welsh language skills and those of my learners.
I am committed to the ongoing development of my own Welsh language skills and actively pursue opportunities to apply and extend my understanding and skills.
I support the provision of opportunities for learners to further develop their Welsh language skills.
I promote the benefits of Welsh, as an employability skill, to learners, colleagues and employers.
I am a confident advocate for and on behalf of the Welsh language and use my skills and knowledge to enthuse learners and colleagues to develop their Welsh language skills.
I support bilingualism to ensure all learners are encouraged and provided with opportunities to develop their Welsh language skills, whatever their starting position.
I promote the benefits of Welsh, as an employability skill, to learners, colleagues, employers and wider stakeholders (including, where appropriate, parents/carers and employers) .
Value and promote diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion:
embracing diversity and advocating inclusion
I engage with professional development opportunities to ensure that I have a good understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion.
I demonstrate my knowledge through inclusive practice – treating everyone equally and fairly, regardless of any protected characteristic they may possess and understanding the impact that individuals’ protected characteristics can have upon their experience.
I have an understanding of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and the impact of these on teaching, learning and assessment outcomes.
I embrace diversity and equality of opportunity within my practice. I also help learners to develop their own understanding of these issues and of the benefits of diverse and inclusive societies.
I have a sound knowledge of the wide range of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and disabilities that can impact upon achievement. I use a variety of methods to overcome these challenges.
I support and encourage learners to develop a deeper understanding of ideas around equality, diversity and inclusion and embrace opportunities to engage with these issues.
I critically reflect upon the implications of issues around equality, diversity and inclusion within my own practice, and support and encourage colleagues to do the same.
I use my knowledge and experience to continually improve my practice and am an advocate for embedding equality, diversity and inclusion within my organisation.
I use my knowledge and understanding of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and accessibility to develop flexible, inclusive approaches that meet the specific needs of individual learners.
challenging discrimination in all forms
I challenge discrimination and unacceptable behaviour wherever I encounter it (or am made aware of it) helping create an environment in which learners and colleagues also feel safe to do so.
I understand my organisation’s policies around discrimination and anti-racism and know where to go if I need additional support when dealing with difficult or sensitive issues.
I challenge discrimination and unacceptable behaviour wherever I encounter it (or am made aware of it) helping create an environment in which learners and colleagues also feel safe to do so.
I continue to develop my understanding of all aspects of discrimination, and its impacts upon colleagues and learners.
I advocate for anti-racist practice and strive to create an inclusive environment for all students.
I challenge discrimination and unacceptable behaviour wherever I encounter it (or am made aware of it) helping create an environment in which learners and colleagues also feel safe to do so.
I develop my understanding of discrimination by looking both within and outside my organisation for examples of best practice, discussing new ideas and best practice with colleges.
I champion anti-racist practice and am committed to fostering an inclusive environment for all students.
Demonstrate dignity, courtesy and respect towards others:
listening to and respecting other peoples’ views, opinions and ideas
I listen and respond positively to the views of learners, colleagues and stakeholders (including, where relevant, those of learners’ parents/carers and employers) and ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity to be heard.
I actively seek the views of learners, colleagues and stakeholders (including, where relevant, those of learners’ parents/carers and employers) and act upon them to develop my practice and meet the needs of diverse learners.
I routinely engage with learners, colleagues and stakeholders (including, where relevant, learners’ parents/carers and employers) and the wider community reflecting upon their thoughts and opinions, to provide insight into my practice and to help me continually improve as a professional.
acting as a role model for fair, courteous and respectful behaviours
I recognise my personal responsibility as a role model and public figure, to uphold public trust and confidence in the education profession.
I behave responsibly at all times and work with integrity and honesty, in line with the EWC Code of Professional Conduct and Practice.
I review my own professional and personal attitudes and beliefs to ensure I demonstrate appropriate behaviours which reflect my responsibilities as a role model and public figure.
Rwy’n arwain trwy esiampl trwy fodelu ymddygiadau teg, cwrtais a pharchus tuag at gydweithwyr a dysgwyr bob amser.
I lead by example in modelling fair, courteous and respectful behaviours to colleagues and learners at all times.
Maintain and update required knowledge and how best to support learners:
keeping abreast of developments in my specific area of responsibility (which may include ALN, digital technologies to support learners or learner wellbeing)
I maintain knowledge of my specific area of responsibility (including through embracing professional learning opportunities provided by my employer), so I can effectively support learners.
I keep up to date with key developments pertinent to my role through Continuous Professional Development (CPD), actively measuring and integrating my learning into my daily practices.
I keep abreast of the latest thinking in my specific area of responsibility so I can effectively support learners. I use this knowledge to ensure that resources and learning materials are current and up to date.
I understand learner’s needs based on information shared from a variety of sources
I can review and adapt the support I provide based on the evolving needs of learners.
I continually engage with developments in my specific area of responsibility, in order to build my knowledge and expertise.
I foster a broader understanding of developments outside of my specific area of responsibility, where these might enhance the support that I provide.
I continue to develop my skills to ensure I am able to deliver the most relevant support with appropriate contextualisation.
providing personalised support for learners, based on their individual needs
I evaluate the needs of those who I support to enable a personalised approach to development.
I complete regular upskilling/training in order to ensure that I am able to develop a range of differentiated approaches to supporting learners as they progress.
I use inclusive practice when working with those who I support to ensure their needs are met.
I work flexibly, using a range of resources and methods, to meet the different (and sometimes complex) needs of individual learners.
Demonstrate commitment to learners’ progress, safety and well-being:
inspiring, supporting and stretching learners, taking account of their individual learning and support needs
I foster a positive learning environment, communicating enthusiasm for learning and encouraging positive attitudes amongst learners towards their studies.
I support learners in identifying their needs and aims and assist them in undertaking work that inspires and stretches them, in line with their learning plan.
I embrace a range of methods to support, challenge and inspire learners.
I am proactive in identifying areas where learners require support and work with individuals, helping them to set aspirational goals.
I strive to identify and use a wide range of support methods and continually reflect on their effectiveness. I also share and disseminate best practice to colleagues.
I set consistently high expectations, challenging and inspiring learners and providing them with support that is tailored to their individual needs. I also demonstrate this practice to colleagues.
I facilitate collaborative opportunities to ensure learners are equally supported in all aspects of their learning.
working with others to ensure learners are fully supported
I work collaboratively with colleagues, learners and other stakeholders (including, where appropriate, parents, guardians, carers and employers) to ensure learners are fully supported. I review my own performance and the impact of my support on learner outcomes.
I work collaboratively with an increasing range of colleagues and stakeholders (including, where appropriate, parents, guardians, carers and employers) to ensure learners are fully supported, in order to drive learner progression and reduce barriers to learning.
I use my knowledge of support within my organisation to develop communities of practice and professional networks, to share good practice.
I engage with professional learning networks both inside and outside of my organisation to keep abreast of new developments, to ensure learners are fully supported.
Know how to use evidence and research to improve my practice:
accessing and experimenting with research from a range of sources
I read, consider and act upon developments/ research relevant to my area of practice.
I use research from a range of sources to extend my understanding of my area of practice, and to improve the experiences of learners, evaluating its practical application in order to ensure effectiveness.
I actively engage with research, from a range of sources, and identify how I can apply what I learn to enhance my practice.
I encourage and support colleagues to engage with research.
I evaluate the impact of research that I have applied within my practice and seek to continuously refine and enhance my approaches, ensuring that evidence-based insights guide and optimise my professional decisions.
reflecting on the latest theories and research with colleagues and exploring their relevance to my context
I take opportunities to share experiences and research with colleagues.
I take part in structured learning with colleagues and share best practice and research findings with them to support continuous improvement.
I actively seek opportunities to share and disseminate findings from my practice with others, collaborating across my organisation and helping others through sharing my findings.
I actively engage with professional learning networks to share best practice and research findings with colleagues.
Build positive and collaborative relationships:
working to build and maintain relationships with learners, colleagues, employers and others as appropriate
I form effective relationships and communicate appropriately with learners, colleagues and other stakeholders, including (where appropriate) learners’ parents/guardians/carers and employers.
I work collaboratively with learners, colleagues and others, developing excellent interpersonal relationships.
I respect, support and work collaboratively with colleagues, and relevant internal and external groups to achieve the best learning outcomes.
I actively seek opportunities to work with colleagues to review the impact of support on learner outcomes and how that can be improved.
I share my experiences and knowledge to help myself and other practitioners develop and maintain best practice.
participating in and contributing to professional learning networks
I take an active role in professional learning networks.
I enthusiastically engage with opportunities to extend my knowledge through collaborative experiences.
I participate in a range of professional learning networks and embrace opportunities to share my knowledge and experience (both internally and externally) to positively influence the practice of others.
Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment:
taking a person-centred approach when working with all learners to promote independence and encourage full participation in learning
I encourage individuals to identify realistic goals and targets for their learning. I also encourage learners to review their own progress.
I support learners to identify challenging goals and targets and support them to evaluate their progress against these.
I share my knowledge and ideas regarding supporting learners in taking responsibility for their own learning, and evaluating their own progress against aspirational goals and targets.
communicating effectively with all learners, colleagues, employers and others as appropriate
I actively communicate with learners, colleagues and stakeholders (including employers, parents/guardians/carers), openly sharing relevant information and encouraging others to do the same (in accordance with organisational policies and procedures and relevant legislation).
I communicate effectively with learners, colleagues and a wide variety of stakeholders (including employers, parents/guardians/carers) to achieve the best learner outcomes.
I demonstrate and model effective communication with learners and colleagues throughout my organisation and with stakeholders across the wider community.
I develop collaborative relationships with key stakeholders (including employers, parents/guardians/carers) to influence and inform learner progress to achieve the best learning outcomes.
Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability
inspiring and motivating learners and colleagues to make the changes needed to achieve net zero
I demonstrate an understanding of the importance of sustainability in my practice to learners and colleagues.
I embrace opportunities to highlight issues of sustainability, help embed this area within learning programmes and actively share knowledge and insights with learners and colleagues.
I champion a whole-organisation approach to achieving net zero and embrace opportunities to highlight issues of sustainability to learners and colleagues.
supporting learners to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development
I understand the value of sustainable development and communicate its importance to learners.
I support the development of approaches that support learners to build their sustainability knowledge, skills and behaviours.
I support and encourage colleagues and learners to develop a deeper understanding of sustainability and embrace opportunities to engage with these issues and make suggestions for further improvement.
Critically reflect on own values, knowledge and skills to improve learning:
developing my own literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills along with other appropriate professional skills
I reflect on my knowledge with respect to literacy, numeracy and digital literacy, along with other professional skills relevant to my role, to ensure I am able to effectively support learners.
I consistently reflect on my knowledge with respect to literacy, numeracy and digital literacy, along with other professional skills relevant to my role, to ensure these skills are effectively embedded in my practice, to support learners.
I model good practice to colleagues, demonstrating that I have embedded key knowledge and skills and showing others how I critically reflect on my practice and continue to ensure my skills are up to date, in order to ensure I effectively support learners.
I support colleagues to embed these skills in their own practice and demonstrate how to find innovative ways of supporting learners.
critically appraising my own practice and adapting it in the light of reflection and feedback, including feedback from learners
I critically appraise my practice and its impact on learners, taking feedback from colleagues and the learners themselves into account, and use this to develop my practice and approach.
I consistently critically appraise my practice and its impact on learners, working collaboratively with colleagues and others, and use this to develop my practice and approach.
I demonstrate to colleagues how I critically reflect on feedback to effectively appraise my practice and how it impacts on learners. I use these reflections to inform, adapt and develop my practice and approach, and support others to do the same.